London Re-use Network is delighted to announce the addition of another London borough to our Hotline collection service. Welcome aboard Bexley!
Bexley residents can call the London Re-use Hotline on or visit to book a collection of unwanted items. The re-use service will operate alongside the council’s bulky waste service, mirroring their charges.
Pick ups will be made from inside the donors home by London Re-use partners give2give using specially trained removal crews.
give2give have been working with the community in South East London since 2003, with one of their core aims being to ‘relieve financial hardship by re-use and recycling to provide safe, clean and affordable furniture and other household items to people in, or vulnerable to, hardship or poverty’.
All donated items will be checked for safety and quality before being made available to local residents at low cost.
Bexley is the eighth London Borough to sign up to the service, and we look forward to extending the Hotline concept into other boroughs during 2014.