Congratulations Craig Anderson OBE


London Re-use Network would like to congratulate Craig Anderson, Chief Executive of the Furniture Re-use Network, on being awarded an OBE in the New Year honours list.

Responding to the news Anderson said:
‘I am absolutely thrilled to receive this honour, especially with this being the 25th Anniversary of the FRN. We now have real achievements to celebrate while also looking to the future. I am delighted on a personal level and for the whole charity reuse sector’.

‘For 25 years the sector has reduced the poverty levels of low income UK households and supported people through training and helping them back into work – all through the reuse of furniture and electrical goods. We are now providing nearly a million low income households with much needed furniture and electrical goods and saving them over £340million every year. As well as stepping up to support those who are losing out most because of welfare cuts, the sector is also preventing 3 million items from being wasted every year, saving nearly 400,000 tonnes of CO2. Our work makes social, economic and environmental sense’.

Anderson added that he hoped his OBE would raise the profile of the re-use sector by highlighting the benefits of re-use in alleviating poverty and waste.

Congratulating Anderson, Charles Craft, Managing Director of the London Re-use Network said:
‘We would like to congratulate Craig on this fantastic award. As well as recognising FRN’s own success it shows that the re-use sector is being taken seriously as a solution to poverty and waste in the UK.’