Re-purpose and the LIFE + Programme
Re-purpose is the title and strap line of a successful funding application to the European LIFE + Programme. The total project budget is €1.1 million over 2.5 years based on 50% match funding. The principal partners are Groundwork and London Community Resource Network (LCRN) working together with five housing associations in London to deliver re-use focused bulky waste services on a selected five housing estates.
When will the project start? The overall project plan is to introduce the five estates based re-use facilities in three phases. The project began with the planning phase in July 2014 and will conclude in March 2017.
Where will RePURPOSE be delivered?
- Grahame Park, Barnet (Genesis Housing)
- Warner Road Estate, Southwark (Southern Housing)
- Clem Attlee Estate Hammersmith & Fulham
- Pembury Estate, Hackney (Peabody Trust)
- Andover Estate, Islington
What are the main objectives of this project?
- To increase the level of re-use of bulky items such as furniture and appliances
- To increase employment, training and volunteering on the estate
- To raise residents’ awareness of waste and flytipping
- To reduce the incidence of fly tipping on each estate by 25%
The main objectives will be achieved by:
- Creating employment of a Re-use Coordinator based on each estate
- Re-configuring the bulky waste assembly points into re-use drop off points
- Offering a door step pick up service of bulky items
- Setting up a re-use exchange shop on site
- Link the project with accredited training
- Working with waste contractors to reduce waste tonnage
- Provide a re-use focused voids clearance service
- Link to the re-use network of repairs workshops
For further information about this project please contact details:
Shopie Maqsood:
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