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Hotline Closure Statement

Man and LRN Van

  The London Re-use Hotline, which has operated since 2011 and provided a centralised telephone number and online booking service for London residents to donate their unwanted bulky items and white goods for re-use, will wind down operations by October of this year. Since its launch in 2011 the Hotline has offered residents in nine [...]

Social Enterprise Mark awarded


  London Re-use Limited has been awarded the Social Enterprise Mark, for the third year in a row. The Mark demonstrates our commitment to support the community and protect the environment. The Social Enterprise Mark is the certification authority which safeguards social enterprise credentials. Only organisations which can prove they put people and planet before [...]

New How to Re-use guides published

The London Re-use Network has long believed that partnerships are the key to success in establishing greater levels of re-use and helping to reap financial, social and environmental benefits. Now, Wrap has commissioned a series of seven ‘How to re-use’ step-by-step guides aimed at encouraging more partnerships between local authorities, waste management companies and third [...]

Visit us at the Resource Event!

London Re-use Network will be taking part in The Resource Event at the Excel Centre from Tuesday 3rd – Thursday 5th March 2015. Working with Network Members, Goldfinger Factory, London Re-use has been commissioned to produce a series of displays for the show which will be exhibited in the Networking Lounge. The exhibits will focus [...]

New Funding Announced

London Re-use Limited is delighted to announce a second tranche of investment from the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB), having exceeded its re-use and recycling targets for a third consecutive year. The new investment of £1.25 million is made up of a small £100k loan as well as a £1.15 million revenue participation agreement, [...]

FRP Winners in the People’s Millions

Colour the Capital

Update: **Colour the Capital was announced as the winner of the people’s vote. Work will be starting on the project early in 2015. Thank you to everyone who called in or tweeted their support.** London Re-use Network member the Forest Recycling Project (FRP) is in the running for £50,000 of lottery funding – and need [...]

Islington join the Re-use Network!

Islington has become the latest London Borough to sign up to the London Re-use Network hotline. Islington residents can now donate their re-usable bulky furniture and small electrical items online via the booking site or by calling the re-use hotline on . The collected item will be delivered to Brightsparks Reuse Centre in [...]

Waste Not. Want Not.

London Re-use has been featured in the Greener Lifestyle supplement in the Guardian Newspaper. The article focuses on the Re-use and Repair workshop, Rework, run in partnership with Groundwork London and based at the Smugglers’ Way Household Waste and Recycling Centre. The piece also explains the difference between re-use and recycling, something which London Re-use [...]

LWARB Funds for Re-use Marketing

London Re-use Network is delighted to announce a major new marketing campaign which will target nearly 1 million Londoners across five boroughs. The campaign, supported by £55,000 from the capital’s waste chiefs at the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB) – channelled through WRAP, the national waste minimisation body – will feature leaflets, posters, online [...]

Funding for a new Mattress Recycling Centre

London Re-use Network awarded £132,000 to increase mattress recycling in the capital. London Re-use Network has received funding of £132,000 to establish a much needed mattress recycling centre in Greenford, West London. Once fully operational the facility will be able to process over 60,000 mattresses a year, diverting them from landfill or incineration, and will [...]