London Re-use Network appointed to framework for bulky waste collections.
The UK’s first ever waste management services framework is now open to 21 councils across London and is also available to local authorities outside London across Southern England and the West Midlands. The framework has been developed by iESE and the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB).
London Re-use Network is the only voluntary sector consortium successfully appointed to the framework alongside multi-national waste suppliers and specialist contractors. London Re-use Network is one of five contractors appointed to the framework for bulky waste collection services and brings together the skills, experience and knowledge of Staying Put Services (Furnish) in West London, ReStore Community Projects in North London and Kingston Community Furniture in South London. Other network members have also indicated that they are keen to become consortium members.
Charles Craft, Managing Director of London Re-use Limited said “We are delighted to be part of the iESE waste management framework. The framework provides us with an opportunity to demonstrate how we can deliver effective and efficient furniture re-use services through our network organizations. Not only can we make a real difference to reducing the amount of furniture being sent to landfill but also actively help create local employment and training opportunities for Londoners”.
Alison Templeton, iESE Executive Director who leads on the delivery of the Waste Management Services Framework said “One of the key aims of the framework is to positively shape the waste, streets and grounds maintenance market – therefore it was vital to us that the diversity of suppliers was represented. With London Re-use Network joining the multi-national and specialist contractors on the framework, we really feel this has been achieved.”